Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"I can make you thin"

I saw this show on Sunday PM called "I can make you thin".

It was interesting. The host, an englishman named Paul McKenna, who I gather from his website is a hypnotist, leads this series over the next couple of Sunday eveings.
Jennifer and I watched the first one Sunday.

This episode dealt with his 4 Golden Rules. Quite frankly they are all common sense.

1) When you are hungry, eat. (duh). Learn to listen to your body as it actually tells you it is hungry. Don't eat if you aren't, and don't let yourself get extremely hungry or you will overeat.

2) Eat what you want, not what you think you should. This was interesting, as he told a woman to throw away all the low-fat foods (good for him). He claims as you go on your body will help you to realize what is good for you. I think this one could be a landmine since I am convinced that for me in particular, and for many Americans in general, starches (particulary refined ones) are addictive and VERY bad for us and cause health problems and cravings. - yes this is Atkins talking - getting carbs from veggies.

3) Eat Consciously. I think this is a very good one! He says a problem is people shoveling food into their mouths (guilty) and not actually enjoying it. Not only that, it short-circuits your bodies ability to know when you are full! I know we have to tell our boys after they have wolfed down their seconds and want thirds that they should wait 20 minutes to see if they are still hungry! His suggestion? "I cannot emphasise this enough. Put the knife and fork down whilst you are chewing your food and really enjoy it - savour the taste, and enjoy the wonderful textures and sensations as you thoroughly chew each mouthful of food at least 20 times!"
I have been trying this this week and it is tough to slow down this much! He also mentioned on the show to not be distracted by radio/tv/reading, and I am guilty of having the radio on in the background at breakfast, and reading through lunch.

4) When you are full, stop eating (again - DUH). Tear up the membership card in the "clean plate club". I think #3 helps to figure out #4.

In the coming weeks shows will deal with overcoming emotional eating, supercharging your metabolism, breaking cravings, and improving ones body.
More info from Paul can be found at http://www.mckenna.com/

On the website I could read ahead to the coming episodes, but I think I will wait and check it out each Sunday night. The TV station can be found at http://www.tlc.com/