As you know from this blog, last year November through Feb/March I lost 50lbs. I have basically (within a few pounds up and down) maintained that weight loss. But with Spring and Summer came baseball coaching and the busy-ness of running around as a parent. I know, excuses, but there they are.
Late Summer/Early Fall I decided I wanted to run the Disney Half Marathon on January 8th and have been training for that primarily, throwing in some P90X here and there. Not as much as I have wanted, or should.
So the race is in two weeks, and when I return from Florida, I start the next round in earnest. If I start January 17th or so (my 22nd Sobriety anniversary FYI and D.v), I should finish the 90 days by Holy Week/Easter. So that is the goal, as well as the rest of the weight I have wanted to lose.
So join me on the journey!!! Stop by here regularly to see my updates, and to get your BeachBody products click on the banners to the right or go to my Coach page