Friday, February 25, 2011


Wasn't it one of Newton's laws of physics that things in motion tend to stay in motion, and things at rest stay at rest unless changed by an outside force? (Thank you Sr. Jocelle for H.S. physics).

After a decent recovery week last week we started this week with Shovel X, the pet name I have for having to shovel 9 inches of snow. Tuesday I got in Chest, Triceps, and Shoulders because it is the start of Phase II (muscle confusion...start shaking things up). But Weds and Thursday I was a slug. Slept later than I wanted, didn't get in the workout either day, and now I am procrastinating again....

So as soon as I hit "publish post" I am going downstairs. I am going to do 1/2 Plyometrics X (my favorite workout anyway), going through each set 1x rather than twice AND THEN go into a full Back & Bicep workout. This will catch me up from Weds/Thursday. Oh yeah - then I get to go out and shovel again (only 2 inches).

The main barrier for me is that I have been staying up later (for no good reason) and then not getting up early to work out first thing in the morning. I HAVE TO GET MY WORKOUTS IN FIRST THING, or I find every excuse of busy to not get it done at all. Early to bed, early to rise... makes this man more likely to get his workout in (healthy and wise?).

So I guess just I need a good swift push to get this body at rest back into motion!