Okay, so the "A" in the famous book of the above title was for "Adultress" and a mark of shame.
But as the low-carb diet craze has subsided, speaking the name of Atkins has once again been done in whispers. The new scarlett letter.
The problem with the low carb craze of a few years ago was that most people trying it never read the book (Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution) and were making it up as they went along, doing something not at all resembling Atkins. I was amazed at people who claimed that low carb didn't work for them, and when I asked them what they ate, they were eating all sorts of starches, etc. It wasn't low carb at all.
And there were also those who did it with what I call chemistry route: using all of the 'low carb products' that were made to taste carby but were lower in carbs. They never lose their sweet tooth or craving for starches. And God knows what the chemicals are doing to them.
My experience? Atkins really works and I feel great when doing it....
The key is...actually doing it!
More thoughts later....