Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Two runs in a row - not a good idea

I like running. Yes, it is painful, etc. But there is something about human beings that we were created to move, and I think running is a part of our nature. And it feels like a workout. I like swimming too, but after a swim you are fatigued but clorinated. After a run you feel like you have worked out. Legs wobbly, sweat dripping off of you!

I know one of the liberating, wonderful dreams I occasionally have (while sleeping) is that I am running, everywhere, flawlessly and without effort.

Reality isn't like that! I am old, heavy, and slow. My knees and ankles have seen better days.
Yet I am drawn to run, no matter how poorly I do it.

I ran yesterday. 2,3,4,5,4, with 7 minutes of walking interspersed in the middle. It was a good, sweaty workout.

Today - sore, stiff. Tried to run anyway. Ended up doing a 20 minute mostly walk, some jog.

Two days in a row is not good for me (knees, ankles, legs in general), at least at this time.