Tuesday, September 30, 2008

a short, wet roll

Got out about 6:45am for a misty wet ride. Went for a short ride (22 minutes), but rode pretty hard.

Month's end.
Pretty good output for September.
Input had much to desired.....

Saturday, September 27, 2008

a grey saturday

woke up with a startle at 7:47am, realizing Will had to be at his soccer game by 8:45am.

Although we had a good long walk to the street carnival in town, no formal workout.

But a good week, despite the travel at the beginning.

1 run, 2 cycle, 1 swim, 1 abs, 2 long walks.

Friday, September 26, 2008

a friday roll

up late, and out for a 28 minute ride.

Sore today in different parts of the legs. Swim yeserday?

We did a family abs workout. Jennifer put on the Abs 100 dvd and all hit the floor for 100 crunches, etc. (even Meg made and effort).

Plus - grass cutting (backyard hasn't been done in 3 weeks!!!).

PM - a long walk with family

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Rode this morning 27 minutes.

Went up Jefferson, and up and down the streets that dead end up against the lake. Some pretty interesting houses back there!

With it now Fall I like the cooler mornings, but I don't like how dark it is when I go out.

PM BONUS - jumped into the pool for 20 quick, hard laps. Felt great (and great to be back at the gym in anticipation of having to move indoors in the coming months to workout).

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

home and back on track....

Ran this AM - 2,4,6,5 with a minute in between. Felt GREAT.
Would have run more but was anxious to get home to let Jennifer go on her run!
(late start - 7am for me)

Vacation summary

I bought a pedometer for our vacation.

I did get in two runs, and two days swimming laps in the AM before everyone else was up.

In Tennessee we walked over 5 miles (Aquarium).
In Florida walked
7.6 miles
10.3 miles
9.1 miles
8.4 miles
7.8 miles
for a total of 45.2 miles in FLA, 50.2 overall.

On my 10.3 mile day, with damp socks, I got blisters on the balls of my feet!
I was more proactive with a dry pair of socks mid-day on the other days.

Friday, September 12, 2008

a jog in Georgia

Ran today - 15 on, 7 off. REALLY hilly around Jennifer's sister's house.
And loose dogs to escort and warn you as you go along!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Cold Cycle

Gloves and all today. Rode a medium 26+ minutes.

For the week so far
2 Cycle, 1 Run....

Tomorrow - off on holiday.
I have packed running clothes/shoes and swim gear, and a pedometer for walking around the Magic Kingdom!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


This morning the pavement was wet from all the rain overnight, so I decided to go for a run instead.

Felt good all the way - 18 running, 8 walking.

D.V. tomorrow I will cycle again and then off for a vacation to Disney starting Thursday!

Monday, September 8, 2008

a cool monday

Temps in the high 50's today.

27 minute cycle, with a minute off in the midst while I grabbed some laminate samples from the old house to bring home for Jennifer to look at.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

finishing off the week

cycled for 23+ and then off to a rocket launch!

4 cycles this week, no runs, and a long walk with Meg in the stroller.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Yesterday - blah! Today - better

Wednesday I was a slug, all the way around...

Today I cycled for a solid 30+ minutes. Rode hard.

In the PM - walked for an hour with meg in stroller

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

a short roll

Woke up early to a sore back. Took an advil, slept another 20 minutes until alarm went off.

Went for a short ride - 21+ minutes, but rode hard!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

Went out for a cycle - 30 minutes with a great sprint at the end!
explored the neighborhood on the other side of Alter, including another park with baseball diamonds (6) on the river, and a closed parks and rec pool.

The park was trashed...trash everywhere.
Why don't people have more self respect and clean up after themselves?

finishing off last week

pretty good week for output
2 runs, 2 cycles, and a HARD 4+ hours of yard work (bushes, lawn, etc).

Input? eh.... Could have been better.