Last night Meg was tossing and turning from 11pm to midnight, and at midnight asked me to rock her downstairs in the big chair.
We slept on and off in that chair from 12 to 4:30am. A fitful, in and out sleep. And in the midst I had an awful dream and woke up stiff and sore - I had tensed up in the dream!
I took Meg upstairs at 4:30 and went to bed. Slept through the 6am alarm. Jennifer got up at 6:30, ran, showered and made breakfast BEFORE I woke up at 7:45!
However, I did get a RUN in this afternoon. I put Meg in the jog-stroller and we went down to pick up the boys at Karate camp, taking a serpentine route around the neighborhood to add mileage.
Ran 17, walked 20 (including 10 of it back with the boys).
Now off to bed.