Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Up at 6am, pray, run/jog (20 minutes) followed by an oft-interupted Sculpt 3/4 (Started on big tv, moved it to my computer so Jennifer could workout, then meg woke up).

But did it all - deo gratias.

Wow - really behind

odd week last week. Worked out again on Thursday, missed Friday, got a job and Sculpt in on Saturday. Not the best of weeks, but I am still at it.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday and Weds

Tuesday AM - went out for an AM Jog. Cool - windy.

Wednesday - busy day and slept later than expected (up late Tuesday PM doing newsletter). Got in an Abs workout in the evening.

Monday, March 23, 2009

A better way to start off the week

The last couple of mondays have been slovenly.

Today - did Sweat 3/4, and as I was finishing Jennifer arrived back from shopping for the Little League Concession stand and I helped to unload 50 cases of water/gatorade/juice and dozens of boxes of candy! It was like a second workout.

Last week

Tried to post this last Saturday, but for some reason it wouldn't.

Tuesday - Jog, Abs, play outside basketball, baseball, etc (60+ on St. Pat's day)
Wednesday - Abs
Thursday - Jog and Sculpt in AM
Friday - Sweat and Abs
Saturday - Jog

On Friday evening a pulled an oblique muscle (sp?) while bending funny. No fair hurting muscles that I didn't even know I had a few months ago!!!! Deo Gratias it started feeling better by Sunday.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Really kick'n it today!

Up early - out for a 22 minute jog/walk
Then did Sculpt 3/4 with 90 push ups.
A full hour of working out.
Great start to the day!

Busy Wednesdays

Wednesdays are late nights for me, particularly when it is vestry.

I did, however, punch out a quick Abs 200, just to get one in!

Weds., wouldn't be bad if I got up earlier, but this morning that alarm went off, and having had an aweful nights sleep, I hit OFF, and went back to sleep.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

a gorgeous day

Got up early for a run - 20 minutes, plus a lame session of abs.
When to the WJR Paul W. Smith St. Patrick's day party at the DAC afterwards.

Got home from work a little early and played catch, basketball and went over to the schoolyard playground with Meg.
For some reason my left ankle started hurting, on the inside part. Odd. Started hurting at the playground.

Happy St. Patrick's Day.
I had three green beverages today.
Three Green Teas, that is.
St. Patty's day was the day the amateurs tried to drink like us professionals.
Deo Gratias for 20+ years sobriety!!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Finishing off a good week

This morning I woke up feeling the effects of my little stumble yesterday morning; sore right knee (with scab), bruises on the heels of both hands, and the left elbow and shoulder feeling as if they have been jammed.

Meg woke up early, so rather than run, we 'rocked' on the chair in the family room (both of us dozed off to sleep for a while - after all it is Saturday).

Later in the morning I did the Sculpt 3/4 and Abs workouts. The shoulder/arm was not happy with me, but I gutted through it anyway.

Monday - Off
Tuesday - AM Run & Abs, PM Sculpt 3/4
Wednesday - AM Run & Abs
Thursday - AM Run & Abs, PM Sweat 3/4
Friday - AM Run & Abs
Saturday - AM Sculpt 3/4 & Abs

Friday, March 13, 2009


After 3 days of extremes (rain, wind, cold) I added a 4th day in a row to my jogging.
This time I added tumble!

About 10 minutes into my run I stumbled on a raised portion of sidewalk. Thankfully I was fully conscious about the fact that I was going down and landed on my hands (with gloves), which made my knee land softer (a less than graceful genuflection), followed by a roll sideways on purpose knowing my bum would be a softer thing to hit compared to my face.

I popped back up, mostly embarrased, and ran for another 12 minutes.

Did abs when I came back in.

We will have to see how sore this makes me later today, but I actually think I am alright.
I am not sure if it being light outside would have helped me to see the uneven pavement.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

3 in a row

Jogged again this morning. Shins a bit sore near end, but felt less stiff this morning than yesterday. Not far or fast - but done!!!

3 days of extreme - Rain, Super Wind, and now Cold (about 20 with wind chill).

PM - Sweat 3/4 video and did it hard. Felt great!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Well blow me down

I guess the title should be said with a popeye cackle!

Ran again this morning - stiff legs from the run yesterday AM and squat/lunges et all in the PM.
Really windy out! I ran into it for the first part, and sailed back home later.....

Only out 20 minutes, with more jogging (12+) than walking - but working my way back up.
Did Abs (120) afterwards.

Late night tonight at work - will have to see if I get a second in today.
Shoulder really sore from last night.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

rain drops keep falling on my head

I woke up this morning and felt COMPELLED to go for a jog.

So I quickly dressed and as I stepped outside - it started POURING RAIN!

So I ran/jogged anyway.

Then did abs.

Felt pretty good, but cold (35 degrees).

Another step towards the water.....

PM ADDITION - did Sculpt 3/4 this evening while family watched American Idol.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Decision made...

....I am going to get into one of these

and these,

by Spring of 2009.
DBCC Masters, here I come.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

While at laser tag...

...a group of tall high school aged kids came in, and I recognized something in them before I noticed a sweatshirt.

High School Crew team from the Detroit Boat Club.

Sigh - the old days....

Sam turns 13 this May, and has expressed an interest in trying rowing. They have a 1 week 'try rowing' camp. Sam will certainly have the better build for a rower than I ever did - long and lanky.

Perhaps if he gets interested, and I have to drive him down there in the mornings...and I am down there anyway.....

But I have a lot of conditioning before that could happen

Friday, Saturday, the Week

Friday was a beautiful day - in the 60's.
I came home early and played basketball and baseball (catch) with the boys for nearly 2 hours.

Saturday - a quick abs in the PM. It was a busy day with boys having black belt test rehearsals, baseball clinics, and laser tag with the karate club as well!

Monday - Sculpt 3/4, Abs
Tuesday - Sweat and abs
Thursday - Sculpt 3/4 and Abs
Friday - basketball and baseball catch
Saturday - Abs

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A run and lift in AM, more later

yesterday was a wash.

Today - 20 minute run/walk followed immediately by Sculpt 3/4.
Wow - sore legs doing squats after running!

Later in the day - went for a 2 mile walk (down to meeting and back) at lunchtime, and then threw the ball around for 30 minutes with the boys (baseball is coming soon!).

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Another American Idol evening

Woke up with a really sore shoulder this morning (Tuesday), and sore legs from an abundance of squats on Monday.

I waited to work out this evening - doing Sweat 3/4 and Abs while the family watched American Idol.

Pretty good workout.