One of my great anxieties about running in winter is the ice, and fear of another broken ankle (the residual effects I still feel today).
Today I went out for a run and after a few tenative steps on the sidewalk I realized, DUH, that the road was clean and dry. Why hadn't I thought of this. I have to remember to cross from side to side occasionally because of the crowning on the road, but otherwise this AM (granted, it is a Saturday) I only saw 2 moving cars (and one jogger and one dog walker - very different than running in the warm weather in Sept!).
Ran 7 on, 2 off, 16 on. Could have run longer but was anxious about being out later than usual and missing the baby waking and needing me. She is still asleep now.
So other than actual snow falling, I guess sidewalk winter weather shouldn't be a deterent.
Monday - Run and Swim
Weds - Cardio
Thursday - Swim
Friday - Cardio
Saturday - Run PM UPDATE - a quick, hard 14 laps swim at beginning of pool party!
2 runs, 3 swims, 2 cardios