Friday, September 18, 2009

another late one

Busy day off with family, running errands, etc. And I slept in late too.

But tonight I got in a 61 minute jog/walk.

Now to cool off and go to bed.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

half yesterday, back at it today

Slept in yesterday and it was a busy day too, but I got over to the gym and did a 30 minute eliptical (hard too). at 4pm.

So far today - 26 minute cycle. More to come D.v.
Happy Stigmata of St. Francis Day

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Walking 2x today

This morning I went for a speed walk - 31 minutes (6:45am)
This evening at 10:30pm I went for a jog/walk for 43 minutes.

74 minutes total.

The boys had rowing practice today. Very excited for them!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Today, and goals

Today - up and out for a 27 minute cycle - rode pretty hard (pacing off of another rider)
PM- 43 minutes jog/walk. (70 minutes total).

GOALS - At least an hour intentional exercise. Next week we go up to 75 minutes.

If the boys rowing works out this week, will try to slip in a few ergs too. I really wish we hadn't given away the erg last year.

Back down to induction level of carbs.

Last week summary

Another pretty good week for working out

Monday (Labor Day) - Erg, Sculpt, Abs (55 minutes)
Tuesday - Jog/Walk (60 minutes)
Weds - Sweat, Abs (50 minutes)
Thursday - Sculpt 3/4, Jog/Walk 33 (71 minutes)
Friday - Lawn (1.75 hours)
Saturday -on feet all day at Rocket Launch.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sore today

a jog/walk two hours after lunges/squats are a hard combination!

Really sore today.

I did do 1.75 hours of walking while pushing the mower this morning.
Thought about an evening workout but just couldn't.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Weds and Thursday late day workouts.

So yesterday I came home and Jennifer had to take Andrew to pick out his new glasses so I changed and jumped into the Power 90 Sweat 3/4 (with the power yoga) and the Abs 100. I intended to get a walk in later in the evening but dozed off on the couch at 10:00. So I only got in about 50 minutes of working out.

Today - once again later in the day (after dinner) did Sculpt 3/4 with 106 squats and 40 lunges. UGH. 2 hours later I went out for a 33 minute jog/walk and it was painful! Bring on the Advil!
71 minutes total workout.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

a late Tuesday night workout

Slogged through the day, and finally got out to work out about 11:15pm.

Jogged/Walked 60 minutes.

Very humid. Now I am cooling down to go to bed and hopefully get up early for a cycle.

Monday, September 7, 2009

I did and didn't

I went down to the boathouse to row, but didn't. There were only 7 men there so they went out in a 4 and pair. Just as well.

Pulled an erg (12 minutes)
came home
Power 90 Sculpt (38 minutes) 100 squats and lunges, 80 push ups
Power 90 Abs (5 minutes) - 100 reps

Good morning. And I hope to get a walk in this afternoon/evening.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A head start on the week

Sunday 11PM - lots to think about, especially an offer to come and row in the AM.
So out I go.
45 minutes VERY brisk walk!

So, am I up and out in 6 hours to row?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Good morning, pretty good week.

Thursday - every good intention of a late evening workout, having gone with Sam to get our hair cut at 7am. Never happened. UGH.

Friday - 1.5 hours pushing the lawnmower and 2+ hours in line and walking at Henry Ford.

Saturday - Biking 31 minutes, Power 90 Sweat 3/4 for 37 minutes. 68 total.

So for the week
Monday - 26 jog/walk and 38 sweat (64 total)
Tuesday - 36 bikeride (am) and 31 walk (pm) (67 total)
Weds - 25 jog/walk and 37 sculpt (62 total)
Thursday - UGH.
Friday - Lawn and Henry Ford - (2+ total burning time)
Saturday - 31 bike, Sweat 37 (68 total)

Hit goal of 1 hour plus 5 of 6 days this week. Perfect induction 5 of 6 as well.
Not a bad week. Would have preferred a workout on Thursday, plus a sweat or sculpt in Friday too.
Next week will be better.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

8 hours later

I was up and out again after my vigorous walk before bed....

Started with 25 minutes run/walk (10 m run)
Then popped in the DVD for Sculpt 3/4 for 37 minutes (65 push ups)

62 minutes today. Still on track.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Monday/Tuesday start

Yesterday was good - I got up and did a 26 minute job/walk (9 minutes of running).
Then immediately popped in the DVD and did the Power 90 Sweat 3/4 (without Yoga), another 38 minutes.
64 minutes total.

Today (so far), 36 minute bike ride in AM.
At 11:20 pm - 31 minute VERY brisk walk.
67 minutes of exercise on Tuesday.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Two weeks into it - now for the next two weeks

With two pretty solid weeks as a foundation - I now take it up a notch.

Daily minimum workout time - 60 minutes (in either one or two sessions).
Start re-incorporating 2 Power 90 Sweat and 2 Power 90 Sculpt into the week.

At least one afternoon in the pool for a swim.

Work on being up earlier to accomplish this.

Stay on induction plan.

another fine week

Good week this week. Today I got out and biked 26 minutes, which was quite a task since my legs were on fire from the squats/lunges yesterday.

So for the week -

Monday - walk/jog 35 minutes
Tuesday - bike 25 minutes (and playing in pool with kids)
Weds - walk/jog 35 minutes
Thursday - bike 25 minutes
Friday - Power 90 Sculpt 3/4
Saturday - bike 26 minutes and lawn (1.5hours walking while pushing)

And eating-wise...also very good. Only two small devations from plan.
With 1 1/2 weeks of dieting - down 15lbs (yeah - mostly water...)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Yet another

Raining today so it was an inside day. After a morning of housework, etc., I got in a Power 90 sculpt 3/4. Considering it has been a couple of weeks away I still did 60 push ups.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

4 in a row

Got up and out a little later than I had hoped so it was a bit shorter - trying to be done by 7pm so Jennifer can run and we can get our homeschooling day started.

25+ minutes biking.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sticky and rainy

Went out for a jog/walk this morning (6:25) for 35 minutes. Got dripped on a bit.
Really glad I went!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

So far this week

Monday - 11pm walk/jog for 35 minutes.
Tueday - 7am bike 25 minutes. In the PM run around in the pool with kids 40 minutes.

Perfect induction yesterday. So far so good this morning (I have had 20 oz of water and am making breakfast now)

Last week's fast start

Monday - 35 minute bike
Tuesday - 45 minute walk
Wednesday - 2 minute erg, 25 minute eliptical, 1/4 mile swim
Thursday - rest
Friday - 25 minute cycle
Saturday - 35 minute cycle.

Perfect induction since Tuesday.
Total first week weight loss - 12lbs (yeah, I know mostly water weight).

I'm back...and on a mission

I am going to get into a crew shell this Spring. And row. At 5:00am. With the DBCC Masters Crew. (D.v.).

The boys took a learn to row class followed by a learn to race class at the boat club this summer, and they love it and want to continue it. But for me it did three things
1) made me realize how much I want to row again
2) made me realize how out of shape I completely am
3) and made me realize how old I am.

I can help # 1 & 2.
I discovered #3 (as well as #2) when I rowed in a quad one day with Sam, Andrew and Coach Benz. I was sore for a week. Muscles I hadn't used in quite a while! I used to recover pretty quickly from a workout when I was a 20 year old....

So - onward and upward.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Another Ecclectic Week!

Monday Run,
Tuesday Sweat video,
Wednesday Sculpt video,
Thursday off,
Friday Lawn and other heavy lifting in heat and humidity,
Saturday cycling.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Last week - ecclectic

Strange week.

Power 90 sweat and sculpt, jog, cycle, swim, stairmaster. Variety is the spice of life.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

a better tuesday

Up early and out cycling. Good morning.

Took a personal day today - and took the boys to rowing. Even pulled an erg for a few minutes. Fun.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Good starts, poor follow-ups

So Mondays seem to go well.

Today I did the Stairmaster for 25 minutes, and then into the pool for 20 minutes of laps.

Hopefully this Tuesday will be a better one.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Going great guns, feeling great

An entire week of induction and I am feeling the buzz. The cravings for sweets/starches has completely disapated and I have some great renewed energy.

I went to bed late, and woke up late this morning and had to go to Ohio to do a funeral. But when I got home after Evening Prayer, Meg was napping, the boys were at Karate, and Jennifer had to run some errands so I took advantage of it and worked out...hard.

Sweat 3/4.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Not a bad week...

Okay - I only got in 3 formal workouts, and did the yard work too.

But the induction was right on all week.

And I have lost some weight too - nice to see the scale move.

I will mark it a pretty good week!

Next week we step up the exercise....along with the right eating

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Pretty good week so far

I have stuck to induction since Monday.

Weds I did 25 minutes on the stair climber and abs work.

This morning I did Sculpt 3/4

Feeling a bit lethargic this morning.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New Month - new start...again

I am still around.

Got a few workouts in in May. Not enough.

But June 1st was a good day in many ways. Did the Sweat 3/4, and a very good day eating-wise.
Now I go to bed, wake up, and start again.

Friday, May 1, 2009

New Month, New Start

May is off to a good start.

Sweat 3/4 video this morning with shoulder bands too, and also mowed the law.

So far, perfect input as well.
One word - Shakeology.

Deo volente, this is going to be a very good month

Monday, April 27, 2009

Up and out

Up early (okay, I did hit the snooze 2x) but ran 22 minutes. Good start.

Friday, April 24, 2009

A strange week so far

Tuesday - Sculpt and Abs
Weds - BLAH
Yesterday - Went for an AM jog and felt pretty good - 22 minutes total, plus Abs
Today - 11pm Jog - 25 minutes total, and about to do abs

However - GREAT WEATHER yesterday and today.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

another late night workout

slept in a bit this AM
Busy day
Finally start workout at 10:30pm
Sculpt and Abs

Monday, April 20, 2009

Getting off the pity pot

So as I sat around tonight with a case of the 'whoa is me' and 'I will restart tomorrow' I was suddenly inspired.
At 10:30 at night I laced up the shoes and out the door I went - 22 minute jog followed by abs work.

Very peaceful at that time of night. Only saw two cars (and one was a police car - good to see them out on patrol). And as I finished along the side yard of the house I remembered that I forgot to put out the cans of leaves and brush I cleaned up this weekend. I need them emptied in the AM so that I can refill them again next weekend!

Nothing like NOW to get things re-started.
Now I am jacked up with endorphines from the run. Need to mellow out a bit.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Got one in today

Jogged 21 minutes this morning.
More to come later, D.v.

Monday, April 13, 2009


last week was mostly a bust, exercise-wise (Holy Week was good spiritually though).
Got in a run, a couple of videos. Not much.

Today - in the AM did Sculpt, doing 1/2 the push-ups with push-up handles (an old pair I dusted off from the basement - really works a deeper set of muscles), and Abs.

Also, this afternoon we had baseball practice - I did a lot of hitting and some running. Pretty good workout. And it was snowing a bit.

I am really sore and stiff this evening.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

getting back

on track.

Up early and did a Sculpt 3/4.
Had originally thought of running, but with yesterday's snow and melt and freeze, I didn't want to risk a slip and fall.

Sore the rest of the day though.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Blah week

Tuesday - jog and sculpt
Weds - jog and sweat
Thurs - baseball and abs

That's it. Overall crumby week.

And now Sunday PM - expecting snow tonight and tomorrow.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Baseball Starts!

Slept in today (Thursday) . Hit the snooze alarm 6 times (54 minutes).

But I did do some running around at baseball practice, and did an Abs workut this evening as well.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Reclaiming Wednesday

The last couple of Wednesdays I have gotten up late, and then home late, and didn't get a full workout in.

Today - up about 6am.
20 minute jog, followed by the Sweat 3/4 video.
A great start to the day.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Up at 6am, pray, run/jog (20 minutes) followed by an oft-interupted Sculpt 3/4 (Started on big tv, moved it to my computer so Jennifer could workout, then meg woke up).

But did it all - deo gratias.

Wow - really behind

odd week last week. Worked out again on Thursday, missed Friday, got a job and Sculpt in on Saturday. Not the best of weeks, but I am still at it.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday and Weds

Tuesday AM - went out for an AM Jog. Cool - windy.

Wednesday - busy day and slept later than expected (up late Tuesday PM doing newsletter). Got in an Abs workout in the evening.

Monday, March 23, 2009

A better way to start off the week

The last couple of mondays have been slovenly.

Today - did Sweat 3/4, and as I was finishing Jennifer arrived back from shopping for the Little League Concession stand and I helped to unload 50 cases of water/gatorade/juice and dozens of boxes of candy! It was like a second workout.

Last week

Tried to post this last Saturday, but for some reason it wouldn't.

Tuesday - Jog, Abs, play outside basketball, baseball, etc (60+ on St. Pat's day)
Wednesday - Abs
Thursday - Jog and Sculpt in AM
Friday - Sweat and Abs
Saturday - Jog

On Friday evening a pulled an oblique muscle (sp?) while bending funny. No fair hurting muscles that I didn't even know I had a few months ago!!!! Deo Gratias it started feeling better by Sunday.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Really kick'n it today!

Up early - out for a 22 minute jog/walk
Then did Sculpt 3/4 with 90 push ups.
A full hour of working out.
Great start to the day!

Busy Wednesdays

Wednesdays are late nights for me, particularly when it is vestry.

I did, however, punch out a quick Abs 200, just to get one in!

Weds., wouldn't be bad if I got up earlier, but this morning that alarm went off, and having had an aweful nights sleep, I hit OFF, and went back to sleep.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

a gorgeous day

Got up early for a run - 20 minutes, plus a lame session of abs.
When to the WJR Paul W. Smith St. Patrick's day party at the DAC afterwards.

Got home from work a little early and played catch, basketball and went over to the schoolyard playground with Meg.
For some reason my left ankle started hurting, on the inside part. Odd. Started hurting at the playground.

Happy St. Patrick's Day.
I had three green beverages today.
Three Green Teas, that is.
St. Patty's day was the day the amateurs tried to drink like us professionals.
Deo Gratias for 20+ years sobriety!!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Finishing off a good week

This morning I woke up feeling the effects of my little stumble yesterday morning; sore right knee (with scab), bruises on the heels of both hands, and the left elbow and shoulder feeling as if they have been jammed.

Meg woke up early, so rather than run, we 'rocked' on the chair in the family room (both of us dozed off to sleep for a while - after all it is Saturday).

Later in the morning I did the Sculpt 3/4 and Abs workouts. The shoulder/arm was not happy with me, but I gutted through it anyway.

Monday - Off
Tuesday - AM Run & Abs, PM Sculpt 3/4
Wednesday - AM Run & Abs
Thursday - AM Run & Abs, PM Sweat 3/4
Friday - AM Run & Abs
Saturday - AM Sculpt 3/4 & Abs

Friday, March 13, 2009


After 3 days of extremes (rain, wind, cold) I added a 4th day in a row to my jogging.
This time I added tumble!

About 10 minutes into my run I stumbled on a raised portion of sidewalk. Thankfully I was fully conscious about the fact that I was going down and landed on my hands (with gloves), which made my knee land softer (a less than graceful genuflection), followed by a roll sideways on purpose knowing my bum would be a softer thing to hit compared to my face.

I popped back up, mostly embarrased, and ran for another 12 minutes.

Did abs when I came back in.

We will have to see how sore this makes me later today, but I actually think I am alright.
I am not sure if it being light outside would have helped me to see the uneven pavement.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

3 in a row

Jogged again this morning. Shins a bit sore near end, but felt less stiff this morning than yesterday. Not far or fast - but done!!!

3 days of extreme - Rain, Super Wind, and now Cold (about 20 with wind chill).

PM - Sweat 3/4 video and did it hard. Felt great!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Well blow me down

I guess the title should be said with a popeye cackle!

Ran again this morning - stiff legs from the run yesterday AM and squat/lunges et all in the PM.
Really windy out! I ran into it for the first part, and sailed back home later.....

Only out 20 minutes, with more jogging (12+) than walking - but working my way back up.
Did Abs (120) afterwards.

Late night tonight at work - will have to see if I get a second in today.
Shoulder really sore from last night.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

rain drops keep falling on my head

I woke up this morning and felt COMPELLED to go for a jog.

So I quickly dressed and as I stepped outside - it started POURING RAIN!

So I ran/jogged anyway.

Then did abs.

Felt pretty good, but cold (35 degrees).

Another step towards the water.....

PM ADDITION - did Sculpt 3/4 this evening while family watched American Idol.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Decision made...

....I am going to get into one of these

and these,

by Spring of 2009.
DBCC Masters, here I come.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

While at laser tag...

...a group of tall high school aged kids came in, and I recognized something in them before I noticed a sweatshirt.

High School Crew team from the Detroit Boat Club.

Sigh - the old days....

Sam turns 13 this May, and has expressed an interest in trying rowing. They have a 1 week 'try rowing' camp. Sam will certainly have the better build for a rower than I ever did - long and lanky.

Perhaps if he gets interested, and I have to drive him down there in the mornings...and I am down there anyway.....

But I have a lot of conditioning before that could happen

Friday, Saturday, the Week

Friday was a beautiful day - in the 60's.
I came home early and played basketball and baseball (catch) with the boys for nearly 2 hours.

Saturday - a quick abs in the PM. It was a busy day with boys having black belt test rehearsals, baseball clinics, and laser tag with the karate club as well!

Monday - Sculpt 3/4, Abs
Tuesday - Sweat and abs
Thursday - Sculpt 3/4 and Abs
Friday - basketball and baseball catch
Saturday - Abs

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A run and lift in AM, more later

yesterday was a wash.

Today - 20 minute run/walk followed immediately by Sculpt 3/4.
Wow - sore legs doing squats after running!

Later in the day - went for a 2 mile walk (down to meeting and back) at lunchtime, and then threw the ball around for 30 minutes with the boys (baseball is coming soon!).

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Another American Idol evening

Woke up with a really sore shoulder this morning (Tuesday), and sore legs from an abundance of squats on Monday.

I waited to work out this evening - doing Sweat 3/4 and Abs while the family watched American Idol.

Pretty good workout.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

And another good week

Finished off today with Sweat & Abs this morning.

A pretty good week

Monday - Sculpt and Abs
Tuesday - Paczki Day - YUCK
Wednesday - Sweat and Abs
Thursday - Sculpt
Friday - abs only...
Saturday - Sweat and Abs

4 abs, 2 sculpt, 2 sweat

Friday, February 27, 2009

a quick, short one

Did abs tonight. Not much, but better than nothing!

Now off to bed.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Feeling it

Worked out this evening, doing the Sculpt 3/4 video.

I love that feeling when your arms, back, and chest are burning and tight during a good workout.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Paczki Day, and Ash Wednesday

Tuesday - not so good.
Wednesday - Good day - eating 100%, Sweat & abs in evening

Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday 2fer

Off from work today (Day off switches to Mondays in Lent, which starts Weds).

I did Sculpt in the AM (with decline push-ups for the first time nursing the shoulder). If felt great!

Then a few minutes ago I did Abs (which is usually done with Sweat video).
Nothing like sneaking in an extra 10 minutes.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Another good week!

Tuesday - Sweat, Sculpt and Abs!
Weds - late night abs
Thursday - Swim and Sweat & Abs
Friday - Sculpt (upping the reps to full 15 per set)
Saturday - Sweat and Abs, and looking forward to shoveling later today!

And am enjoying being plugged in to the video producers on-line stuff

Another good Friday

It was a busy day today, for my day off.

Jennifer spent time on the boys bedroom (wainscotting), and we had a meeting in the morning to begin planning for Little League - we are running the concession stand.

I took the kids bowling. I did throw a game - with my right hand (I am a lefty for sports). Didn't want to crank the bad shoulder.

In the evening I did the Sculpt video, and am up to 80 push-ups. It was a good workout and the shoulder feels pretty good too.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


After sneaking in my abs workout last night, this afternoon I swam, and then this evening did Sweat 3/4 and abs again.

My mid-section is really sore right now.

no pain, no gain????

Fitting in a workout

Long, busy day yesterday.
I had every intention of going to the gym for a quick one, but it never happened.
Late night meeting brought me home late.

But in my desire to do SOMETHING everyday but Sunday, I went downstairs right before midnight and did abs.

Today - Meg needed me early AM, so I will get a workout in this evening.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Getting on-line help AND BONUS

Yesterday was a bust. No excuse, just a bust

This morning is off to a good start. Did the sweat 3/4 video at 6:30am.

I also signed up on the video maker's website for on-line charting and was assigned an email trainer. An interesting concept.

And if you log 0n at each work out, you are eligible to win a daily drawing for various levels of cash.
It would be nice to win a small prize to buy the next program!

BONUS - decided to work out again. Did Sculpt 3/4 this evening while the family watched American Idol. Up to 75 push ups (applying ice liberally right now).
I will be sore in the AM.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sore this evening

I did the sculpt video today, and did it hard, to finish a pretty good week of exercise!

Monday - Sweat vid
Tuesday - Sculpt vid
Weds - Jillian Michael's evil torture (sweat/sculpt combo)
Thursday - Sweat
Friday - Jog
Saturday - Sculpt (and shoveling too).

Shoulder is really sore this evening, and my legs (from all the push-ups and squats).

Friday, February 13, 2009

A good morning

I have been struggling with getting up as early as I would like to. Today I did it anyway, and went out for a jog/walk - about 20 minutes total (11 minutes of it jogging).

Haven't done that in a while.

It felt refreshing and invigorating.

D.v. I will get another workout in this evening.

I am really trying to crank it up.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

4 in a row

This evening I did the Power 90 Sweat (I managed to get the DVD to work).

Shoulder is pretty sore, but I managed the entire workout. I think the Sculpt 2 days ago, and Jillian's workout yesterday (both of which have a bunch of push-up) made it quite fatigued.

Today I did manage the entire sweat video though, with yoga and punches, despite the sore wing.

PS - I video taped myself working out today and I have a LONG way to go......

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Back to Jillian

The DVD player won't play (or even open for that matter and my Sweat vid is in there).

So along with Jennifer, William and Meg, we did the Jillian Michaels thing again. UGHHHH

Two good workouts

Monday afternoon, before dinner - did the Sweat video - and did it HARD (extra high hops, speedier punches, higher kicks). Anything to avoid going back to the Jillian Michaels Videos

Tuesday evening (during American Idol) - Sculpt video. Even did 65 push ups...which is very hopeful with my bum shoulder

Saturday, February 7, 2009

She's evil!

Okay - not really. But that Jillian Michaels video on ExerciseTV is something else.
I did phase 2 today. WOW.
I just don't stretch and move like those 98lbs models either.

Not the greatest week for workouts, but I did shake it up a bit.

Two Jillian Michael's torchures, a swim, and a lot of walking around Chicago O'Hare and Detroit Metro Airport yesterday.

Now off to ice the shoulder.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

After a sluggish start to the week....

...I got in motion today with something new.

With our exercise tv on the cable television, Jennifer found a workout with Jillian Michaels (the hardcore trainer on The Biggest Loser).

It was a hardcore workout!

Weights and Cardo combined. Wow!

Friday, January 30, 2009

A good Friday!

It was a good day for exercise today.

At 2pm I helped to retrieve a sofa bed from a basement, and then unloaded it on the first floor of our old house, which is up 7 steps.

Then at 5:30 I did the sculpt video with 55 push ups.

At 7pm I took the kids to the gym and we swam/played/treaded water for 45 minutes.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Note quite as planned, but....

....not too bad.

Yesterday (Wednesday), which I has scheduled as a sweat/cardio video day, I shoveled instead. Twice.

Today, I did the Sweat Video as scheduled, but without yoga and punches.
I did the video tonight during American Idol.

Earlier in the afternoon I swam with my Thursday Group. While playing our game that is a cross between water polo and basketball, I got my left arm cranked while trying to make a shot. It is pretty sore right now. I iced it this afternoon, and am about to ice it again. This is why I skipped Yoga/Punches.

I hope it feels better tomorrow for the sculpt video.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The shoulder is holding up....

Did the entire sculpt video, with 50 push-ups. Yeah!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

this week's plans

As I get my shoulder back into the routine, I hope to work in two sculpt sessions this week.
Tenative plan.
Monday, Weds, Thurs, Saturday - Sweat/Cardio with abs
Tuesday, Friday - Sculpt

That being said - I did the entire sweat video (yoga and punching incl.) this morning
A good start.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Another sore day today. But my workout - moving furniture from a second floor apartment, into my van, and into house.

A pretty good week for the week after vacation!
Shoveling, Sweat, Sculpt, Moving....not too bad.

And my shoulder isn't hurting too badly - Deo Gratias!

Friday, January 23, 2009


After doing the Sculpt video I was sore on Thursday! Legs, torso, shoulders.....

Today I did the Sweat, with 3/4 the yoga and the boxing at the end. 100 abs.

The shoulder is holding up so far.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Metabolic appraisal

While on the trip Jennifer and I splurged and had our metabolism tested.

The good news was that a very large percentage of my mass is muscle. The trainer was impressed by that number. The bad news - lots of fat and water retention too.

His suggestion was 2 cycles of a 3 month detox program using suppliments from Elemis, combined with exercise. Of course, they had the suppliments for sale at an outragrously high price.

Now home, we are looking into getting the suppliments locally, at a 20% reduction in price.
The suppliments are for colon cleansing and liver detox, using micro algae. Will have to do more research before we splurge.

I know my gym has the same electronic metabolic test machine (runs electrodes through your body to evaluate muscle, fat, water). It is good to have a baseline number. from the cruise.

So far this week

Arrived home Monday evening to an unshoveled driveway.

Spent an hour shoveling two weeks of snow (12 to 18 inches, or more in spots due to drifts) so we could get into the driveway to unpack the car.

Tuesday afternoon - Sweat video with shoulder elastic band workout.

Wednesday evening - Sculpt video (first time since shoulder injury). Did a modified one with fewer push-ups, and modified military press as instructed by my doctor to not put too much pressure on the rotator cuff muscles. Followed by plenty of ice!

a GOOD vacation

We are back from vacation.

4 days driving down to Florida (staying at hotels and with family along the way).
7 days on a cruise ship
1 day at Cape Canaveral
2 days driving home.

On the way down I worked out twice at hotels (eliptical machines)

On the Cruise ship I worked out six times, six days in a row (5 Eliptical, 1 on the treadmill), 30 to 40 minutes each day.

Arrived home Monday evening.

All that working out on vacation helped to negate the buffet and late night snacks on the ship.
I weighed the same when we got home as I did the day we left! I consider that quite an accomplishment!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

a travel week

Not a bad one.

Eliptical, two swims, and a sweat video.